There are different kinds of headaches. Their causes, as well as symptoms, can vary. Most tend to be short-lived and usually are not a point of tension; it is still necessary to be able to recognize what type of headache an individual has. This can help them in being able to figure out how to best handle it and if they need to consult a doctor.

Headaches tend to be a common complaint. Many people experience them from time to time. They can be painful at times and debilitating, but many can be handled with simple painkillers and can go away in some hours. Nevertheless, repeated attacks and certain kinds of headaches may be a sign of a more serious problem.

Below are some different headache types, their causes, and treatment.


This is a primary headache. That means that it does not happen due to another condition. Those who have a migraine may often feel some intense throbbing pain, particularly on only one side of their head. You may feel a heightened sensitivity to things like light, sound, as well as smell. It is also common to experience nause, as well as vomiting.

About a third of individuals have an aura prior to the migraine coming. These are visual as well as sensory disturbances, which often stay between 5 and around 60 minutes. They may encompass:

  • Viewing zig-zagging lines, spots, and flickering lights
  • Partial loss of sight
  • Pins and needles
  • Finding it tough speaking
  • Muscle weakness

Causes of migraines can be:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Bright lights as well as loud noise
  • Sleep disruption
  • Certain foods and medications
  • Hormonal alterations
  • Dehydration, or
  • Skipped meals

Treatment includes:

Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin may help headaches. Doctors may prescribe some antiemetic drug to help stop nausea and vomiting, like metoclopramide and ondansetron. There is even a migraine-specific combination of drugs.

The attack may be eased by resting within a dark and quiet place. Try putting an ice pack and cold cloth on your forehead. Drinking water helps, as well.

If your migraine is tough to treat the doctor may prescribe you with a triptan. It is important to visit the doctor to get help.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are really common. Most people have them often. You will feel a dull, constant pain on both areas of the head. The cause is unclear. Nevertheless, stress, anxiety, as well as depression,  are common triggers. Some other potential triggers are:

  • Dehydration
  • Eyestrain
  • Loud noise
  • Skipped meals
  • Not doing exercise
  • Poor sleep, and
  • Bad posture

Treatment includes:

OTC painkillers, like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, as well as aspirin, are often helpful in limiting pain. Lifestyle changes can also help like getting enough sleep, exercising often and stretching, improving your sitting and standing posture, getting an eye test done, handling stress, acupuncture.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches tend to be severe as well as recurrent headaches, which are more likely to occur in men rather than in women. Individuals say they get an intense burning or even piercing pain that is behind or even around one eye.

The cause of these headaches tends to be unclear. Nevertheless, they tend to be more likely to happen in smokers. It is necessary to avoid alcohol when you have an attack.

The treatment tries to limit the severity as well as the frequency of attacks. This includes:

  • Topiramate
  • Lithium
  • Sumatriptan
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Verapamil
  • Melatonin, or
  • Steroids

Doctors can suggest surgery when the case is tough.

Exertional headaches

These headaches occur because of strenuous physical exercise. They can occur due to:

  • Running
  • Bouts of coughing and sneezing
  • Jumping
  • Sexual intercourse, or
  • Weight lifting

These headaches are often really short-lived but may sometimes remain for up to two days.

Treatment includes:

It is important to visit the doctor when you get this headache the first time; it may be something serious. Most attacks are able to be handled with OTC painkillers. Consuming a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID may help out.

Hypnic headaches

This headache is regarded as a rare condition which often starts when someone is in the 50s. It can begin sooner. These headaches wake people up during the night. You will experience a mild-to-moderate type of throbbing pain often on both areas of the head.

The cause of this headache is not understood. There are also no known triggers.

It is important to visit the doctor when you first get this headache. Migraine, as well as cluster headaches, need to be ruled away. The top treatment option is caffeine, consumed like tablets or like cups of coffee prior to bedtime. Drug choices are indomethacin, melatonin, plus lithium.

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